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From Marriage to Autonomy: Rethinking Sections 493 and 496 of the IPC
Admissibility of Syndrome Evidence in Rape Trials in India
Section 376C of the IPC and Sex by Abuse of Authority
Is Rape ‘a fate worse than death?’ -Deconstructing the rhetoric around death penalty for rapists
Down the rabbit hole with Mob-Lynching?: Making the case for a reverse onus clause
A Rights-Based Critique of the Law of Sedition in India
Making a case for bringing Sexting under India's Rape Shield Laws: Lessons from USA & Indian Culture
Non-consensual sharing of intimate images online: Solutions in Criminal, Media & Technology Laws
The Quest for Taharat: Sunita Tiwari v. Union of India
377 Bites the Dust
Section 295AA: Punjab's Amendment to the Indian Penal Code is Constitutional Sacrilege
Rewriting the “Rajesh Sharma v. State of UP” judgment from a Feminist Perspective [Part-II]
Rewriting the “Rajesh Sharma v. State of UP” judgment from a feminist perspective [Part I]
The Offence of Adultery and Gender Equality in the Supreme Court of India
Response Paper to 'Reconceptualising Rape in Law Reform'
Internet Shutdowns: Background and Use of Section 144, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
Bharat/India, Diversity/Plurality and the Constitution
Independent Thought v. Union of India and the Unconstitutionality of Marital Rape
Questioning the assumptions of the Supreme Court’s decision on adolescent marital rape
The Supreme Court in Rajesh Sharma v. State of U.P. - Justice to the Accused, or Chilling Effect?